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HomeBehind the Scene: Club Express

Behind the scene: Club Express

There may be a few who wonder what it takes to design the web interface for an event and especially the winter rally.

Club Express is a software package that lives on the cloud. All interactions with the program are therefore online. The good news is the program is always up to date and anyone in the club with the proper credentials can access the data and design an event interface.

A Club Express event can be considered a notice, a quick event or a full event. As you might surmise, the Winter Rally is a full blown event. Club Express provides tutorials and for the most part easy access to all the pertinent parameters. Who can register, member or non member, what they will pay, when they will pay, what items are available to purchase are all selections in the process. When the event becomes “live” on the internet all the inputs from each registrant are recorded.

As with all tools, each has its limitations and Club Express is no exception. One limitation is obvious when the internet connection is poor or non existent. And as with any tool, it takes time to master its use.

Anyone who would like to begin to learn the inner workings can access all the tutorials from the Club Express website. All members can create a personal photo album today by clicking on one’s profile and choosing photo albums. It’s so easy, you’ll be surprised. The album can be available to members only or the general public, the choice is yours. 

Further if you always wanted to become an author we can set you up with a custom page where you can compose or maintain a page on our website. The design of the program will allow an administrator to authorize a member as a page coordinator. No worries about making a mistake or pushing the wrong button. 

The website will evolve and become more user friendly while distributing many more pictures, videos and works from aspiring authors. Even if you are hesitant to access the program directly we would all enjoy your pictures and thoughts. Just email the president mailto: or vice president

directly with any submissions. We will make sure your pics and words are published.