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President's Letter 07 2024

John C Brueggemann | Published on 9/25/2024

July 3rd, 2024

Well, it’s Florida, it’s July, and surprise, IT’S HOT!!!

First, I would like to apologize for being missing in action in June.  In my defense, I have to state it was for a good cause.  Charlie Drummond and I had an opportunity to see the Isle of Man Road Race in person this year.  It was the first time for both of us.  If you have ever been there during the TT you’ll understand why folks come from all over the world to watch this event.  It’s like nothing else.  I had to pay the price as I had eye surgery upon returning home.  But “I’m feeling much better now”.

But the club didn’t stop running during my absence, and that is a good thing.  I missed the Two Wheels of Suches event which I hear was well attended by our club.  And many of our members attended the BMWMOA Rally in Redmond, OR.  It is just a short 2,900 mile ride each way.  We’ll have full report on this event at our July meeting on the 14th

The Orange Park BMW dealership had its bike show and we had a booth setup to show off our events.  The Solstice Ride was canceled due to severe rain forecast that I think for the most part missed our fine city.  And there was a weekday ride to Lena’s Seafood in Silver Springs.

We have more events on the schedule with the club meeting on the 14th and a mid month ride to Yankeetown scheduled for the 20th.  Chris Terajewicz will be leading this ride and picking up some more letters for the ABC Challenge.  We’ll kick it back up in high gear as the temperatures start moving back down.

We did lose Bob Cohn (Triumph Bob) in June after a long struggle with his heart and lungs.  Bob’s personality and stories will be missed.  But he served 22 years in the Navy as a submariner and would want us to celebrate this week’s Independence Day in his honor.

So ride safe out there, stay hydrated, and pull over on the longer rides in a nice shady spot and enjoy this beautiful world we have been given to enjoy.