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President's Letter 06 2024

John C Brueggemann | Published on 9/25/2024

May 30th, 2024

This has been another exciting month for the club.  The weather has stayed nice enough to get some great riding in before the “Summer Doldrums” hit the area with temperatures too high to really enjoy.  But we will, because that’s what we do.  We just need to leave a little earlier before the furnace is turned up to full…

May started with a good group from our club attending the Georgia Mountain Rally during the first weekend in May.  We moved the Monthly meeting and Picnic to the 11th and it was very well attended.  Fleet Reserve cooked us up a fine lunch and members brought deserts.  If anyone left hungry, it was their own fault. 

We had our mid-month ride on the 18th with a return trip to St. Simon’s Island.  Bill Botkin led the ride which 16 riders attended.  We tried something different with a Saturday ride to allow for members that still work Monday through Friday a chance to join in.  This worked out so well that we will have another Saturday ride on July 20th.

The club also sponsored BMWNEF members that rode in the Distinguished Gentleman’s Ride.  This is a Classic and vintage style motorcycle event where riders dress in dapper clothes and ride to raise funds and awareness for men’s mental health and prostate cancer research.  Our members raised $360 which our club matched.

Next month will start with our monthly meeting on the 2nd of June at Fleet Reserve.  Several members will be going to the National Rally in Oregon and we wish them safe travels and a great time.  Redmond Oregon is a short 2,846 miles from downtown Jacksonville.  If you’re looking for a ride buddy, I suggest coming to the monthly meeting at make some arrangements.

The BMW/Ducati Dealership will be having a bike show on Saturday the 15th.  We’ll have our Summer Solstice Ride on the 21st leaving from the Life Guard Station/Joe’s Crab House after sunrise at 6:30 with a stop at First Watch for some breakfast.  Then we will head up Heckshire Drive towards Fernandina and beyond.

Our club has five new members this month bringing our total up to 220 active members.  You have probably noticed the club is very active and I hope you’re taking advantage of the club as well.

I have an opportunity to watch the races this year at the Isle of Man.  I will miss the June Monthly Meeting, but I leave you in the very capable hands of our Vice President, Chris Terajewicz.  I will be back in time for the Summer Solstice Ride.

So let’s get out there and ride safe and enjoy this beautiful country we have been blessed with