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2024 Winter Rally Report

John C Brueggemann | Published on 9/25/2024

The 2024 - 41st Winter Rally was a huge success.

The forecast for rain held off to be just a little more than a humid day in Florida. There was a wide variety of events and activities to choose from including; - Led Rides and solo rides that could be downloaded from the Rally Program - Seminars by riders from a variety of backgrounds and experiences - Tire Repair on the Road and bike maintenance - BMW Academy Training

This year we also had the pleasure of a National Airhead Meeting and Event taking place at the campground location. This included a Tech Day, Bike Show and General Meeting.

Some other hits this year was Charlie’s Chuck Wagon and the Camp Weed Dinners. Of course we can't forget the Bonfires each night. There was no shortage of split wood.

We gave away close to 30 Door Prizes and the Grand Prize winners were: - BMW Bike Performance Kit won by Chris Terajewicz - Helite Air Vest won by Michael Salvemini - Performance Training Grand Prize was Billy Luper

The Rally Program this year was over the top. Steve Wishard did an excellent job putting this together for our use including QR codes for the rides, articles, list of vendors and a “Who’s Talking” section. Unfortunately, Steve was unable to attend, but he has our heartfelt thanks.

The surveys received to date have been very positive with excellent feedback. Of course, none of this could have happened without all of the volunteers that worked hard prior to, during, and after the Rally to ensure its success.

Without their dedication, there would be no Rally. Many, many thanks.

Can't wait until 2025 !!!